Monday, November 23, 2009

Sarah Palin


I do not understand the Sarah Palin phenomenon at all.  Look at this video taken in Roanoke, VA:



That level of devotion is eerily…..Obama-like.  I am generally conservative but I don’t see any real substance to Palin, any more than I see any substance to Obama.  They are both lightweights, lacking in any meaningful training or experience that would justify the level of fervor they seem to inspire.

Obama got elected by virtue of being the most popular professor on campus and being able to make a good speech, as long as the teleprompter is plugged in and all filled up with the words.  As he is currently showing, to our peril, he has little real-world experience that he can look to for guidance and is left to working from the wish lists that were put together in the faculty lounge.

It would be easy to dismiss Palin’s popularity as being a result of her hawtness, except that most of the people in that video above are women.  To them, she seems to be Everywoman, the blank slate to which they can ascribe their hopes.  The next Oprah.  She inspires an equally strong repulsion among those on the other side of the electorate, the Left, who respond to her with a level of hatred that is just absolutely unhinged and makes no sense, since she is currently a private citizen and can have zero affect on policy.

The thought of Palin at the top of the Republican ticket in the 2012 presidential election and running against Obama just makes me want to pour bleach into my eyes.  I like her fine, but she’s no more ready for that office than Obama was when he ran.  We are devolving down into dueling cults of personality and that is not good.

I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I kind of miss Bill Clinton right about now.  At least he brought an energy to the office and still believed in American exceptionalism.  He started off poorly, too, but with the advent of the Republican Congressional majority in 1994, he learned how to be President.  It took the Gingrich revolution to push Clinton to the center; we can only hope that the same thing happens to Obama.

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