Monday, February 01, 2010

Is it a Reflex? [UPDATED]


Does he do this consciously or is this some long dormant remnant from his youth?  He grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii, and maybe this is a common greeting in those places.  I can’t say for sure; I’ve never been to either place.  But it seems that the minute he sees someone with Oriental features, his waist goes all jelly-like and he starts bowing like crazy.



Had Bush done this, he would be getting ridiculed for being an insular, unworldly idiot.  Why doesn’t Obama get the same treatment?  Why does he continue to get a pass in the media for these actions?  Because the media is only now coming around to the notion that he ain’t all that and a bag of chips, but they still can’t bring themselves to go after him hammer and tong.  Yet.

UPDATE:  Video here of the actual bow and it confuses me.  On the one hand, his eyes are facing the ground, the essence of a bow and as sure a way as any to show subservience.  On the other hand, he bows so quickly that it could simply be an overly energetic greeting, sort of like what some people do when they are really excited to meet someone.  I think it is simply a reflex action for him, probably from having lived in Asia and Asian-influenced places.

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