Thursday, October 08, 2009

"Iron Bars and Razor Wire"

There is an essay at Slate today about day care centers in ghettos wanting to know why they look like prisons. That's a useless question; the better question is why is living like that acceptable to those in the ghetto? Seriously, why do they put up with thugs, drugs and poverty? Why do they not get rid of that stuff? Why do they expect someone else to do it for them? Why do they glorify Tha Thug Life and ridicule getting an education as "acting white"? Why is there such a demand that those who better themselves "keep it real" and stay put? Every one has it within themselves the ability to improve their lot in life. If they continue to accept these conditions, there is absolutely no reason to believe that things will change for them. The life you live is a result of the choices you make. Or don't make.

Lefties won't ask those question.  They will say that these people don't know how or that they have been oppressed, blah, blah, blah.  The most oppressive force in their lives is their own culture.  If a culture accepts and glorifies continued penury, then that is a debased and sick culture.  Period.  Change your culture, change your life.

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