Friday, October 02, 2009

Jumping the Shark, Obama-style

He did it; he just dealt his own Presidency a severe blow.

Ours is a celebrity-obsessed culture and right now, there are no bigger celebrities in the US than Barack and Michelle Obama and Oprah.  And they just failed and in so doing embarrass themselves, their city and their country.  Without question, Obama's involvement in this effort was test of his popularity on the world stage and he lost big.  Which means we lost big.  I care not one whit for the loss that Chicago has sustained, in terms of money.  I care greatly for the loss of prestige for that great city, for the loss of prestige of the Office of the President and for the loss of prestige for our country.

More to the point for Obama, this diminishes his celebrity-hood.  And it was that celebritiness that got him elected in the first place.  When the 52 percent begins to come to the realization that he ain't all that (and that is happening as I write this), his popularity will drop to Bushian levels.  At least Bush has the comfort of knowing that he held to his own moral compass.  Obama can only reflect that he has failed more often than not, especially in the international arena.  Just embarrassing for us all.

I cannot for the life of me fathom what he was doing.  He is a trained lawyer, fer cryin' out loud!  First rule of being a lawyer is never ask a question you don't know the answer to.  First rule of being President is never risk loss of face in foreign matters without already having the deal done.

We have a naive, unworldly, suit-wearing, smooth-talking, shark jumper for a President.

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